Writing effective emails
Writing effective emails can be a challenge. You’ve written an important message that you know your audience could use. But they seem to ignore your emails. It may be time to step up your game.
1. Set A Clear Goal For Your Email
2. Use The Right Email Subject Line: Be Specific
3. Email Openings Are Very Important: Say The Right Hello
4. Keep Your Message Short And Concise
5. Write Like You Talk
6. List Your Main Points
7. Use Subheads In Your Email Body
8. Use Standard Fonts
9. Use Images In Your Email
10. Use Animation: Keep It Simple
11. Include A Call To Action: The Way To Get Results
12. Use A Pro Email Signature Template
13. Give It A Once-Over: Imagine Receiving The Email You’Re Writing
14. Send It At The Right Time
15. Don’t Forget To Follow Up
PS: add a PS, a little-known fact is that the P.S. (postscript) is one of the most read parts of an email.
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